
Showing posts from 2013

Tell The Nations!

Tell The Nations! Text: Priscilla J. Owens, modified by Matt Gibson Music: I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Ellecombe) Go, tell the nations Christ is king, His hands the world upholds He guides each planet’s shining ring, And spreads the cloud’s dark fold; Go, cast the false gods in the dust, The idols trample down, And place in Him your only trust, For Jesus wears the crown. Go, tell the nations of the blood On Calv’ry freely spilt, The healing streams, the precious flood, To wash away their guilt. Tell them to trust no human rites, That earthly gold is dross; And yet to pardon God delights, Since Jesus bore the cross. Go, tell the nations of the hope, The joy by Jesus giv’n, And bid the darkened eyes look up, Beyond the stars, to Heav’n. Oh, let your hearts with love o’erflow, Cross o’er the heaving tide, Till all the lands of earth shall know The Crowned, once Crucified.            ...

Arise the Kingdom is at Hand

The Kingdom is at Hand Text: Johann Rist 165; Trans- Catherine Winkerworth, (modified version by MG) Music: Auld Lang Syne Arise, the kingdom is at hand The King is drawing nigh Arise with joy, you faithful band, To meet the Lord Host High To meet the Lord Most High To meet the Lord Most High Arise with joy, you faithful band, To meet the Lord most high! Look up, you souls, weighed down with care The Sovereign is not far; Look up, faint hearts, from your despair, Behold the Morning Star! Behold the Morning Star! Behold the Morning Star! Look up, faint hearts, from your despair, Behold the Morning Star! Hope on, you broken hearts, at last The King comes in His might; He loved us in the ages past When we lay wrapped in night. When we lay wrapped in night When we lay wrapped in night He loved us in the ages past When we lay wrapped in night. The Lord is with us now, who shall The sinking spirit feed With strength and comfort a...

Fear Not

Fear Not Text: Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden; mod Music: Veni Emmanuel Fear not, O little flock, the foe Who madly seeks your overthrow; Dread not his rage and power; What though your courage sometimes faints, His seeming triumph o’er God’s saints Lasts but a little hour.                              Be of good cheer; your cause belongs To Him who can avenge your wrongs; Leave it to Him our Lord. Though hidden yet from all our eyes, He sees the Gideon who shall rise; To save us, and His word. As true as God’s own word is true, Not earth nor hell with all their crew Against us shall prevail. A jest and by-word are they grown; God is with us, we are His own, Our victory cannot fail. Amen, Lord Jesus, grant our prayer! Great Captain, now Your arm make bare; Fight for us once again. So shall Your saints an...

I Believe In

I Believe In: Text: Based on Apostle’s Creed, arranged by Mattaniah Gibson Music: Slane I believe in God, Father almighty Maker of Heaven, earth, landmass and sea And I believe in Jesus His son Conceived by the Spirit, born of a virgin That He was beaten and then crucified By Pontius Pilate and that He then died Went down into hell, but there did not stay And that in triumph He arose the third day That He then ascended to God in Heaven There He is seated at His right hand That one day He will come in glory again To judge all the living and judge all the dead I believe in God, the Holy Ghost The catholic church and communion of saints The resurrection and forgiveness of sins The life everlasting. Amen! Amen!