"Stuck in Ritualism"- Is It So Bad?

"Unfortunately, the Celtic church during the Roman occupation followed the rest of Christendom into Catholic ritualism and superstition." The statement above is from a High School British Literature textbook from a well known Baptist publisher (which shall remain nameless). In context, it is discussing the historical background for early English literature and particularly religion in the British Isles. Like many Christians today, and Baptistic Christians especially, the compilers of this book obviously have something against what they label "ritualism". Their appraisal of the British Church in other parts of history is not much better (except for the Reformation). What exactly is "ritualism" and why are certain sectors of Christendom so opposed to it? Ritualism By the phrase "ritualism" I believe the authors are referring to what is properly called, liturgy. Every church has liturgy whether they admit it or not. Does your church have a se...