Ghost Churches...

America is full of ghost churches. How often do we see or hear of churches that start off strong and fast, only to vanish within few decades? One has but to visit many congregations in the South particularly to find churches where the youth is missing and the inevitable fate of "ghost church" awaits them. How does this happen? That's a rather complex question and I'm only dealing with one aspect. Basically it comes down to this: What is church's goals and how do they plan to accomplish said goals? Secondly, I want to talk about "being outdated". Okay, so what should the goal of church be (and this should be determined at the outset). Now, I'm tempted to repeat a lot of what I said in a previous post , but I'll try not to. The Church, as the body of Christ and the people of God, exist to proclaim His Majesty and provide light to the world around us. Our job is to spread that light (with God's help) until it engulfs the entire globe. T...