The Case Against Ecclesiastical Primitivism

(Explanatory note for the following terms: The terms "Primitivist" and "Progressivists" were used in the 19th century to describe those who wanted to go back (to nature or rural living, i.e. Ludites on steroids) and those who wanted to push forward (the optimists) respectively. I use these with the word "Ecclesiastical" (that dealing with the Church) in the following discourse). Ecclesiastical Primitivists are rampant in 21st Century American Christendom. Those of us who desire church buildings are told "Well the early Church met in houses!" To these people, if the 1st Century Church didn't do it, then we shouldn't either. They place that era of the Church in a context totally removed from it's cultural, historical, political and logical context and elevate to position of perfection. For example, concerning the above claim against Church buildings, I readily concede that most (emphasis on most) of the 1st Century Christians me...