Echoes of Eden

Earlier this year I wrote the lyrics to this song, "The Echoes of Eden". It is probably my best attempt at songwriting (not saying much). In Biblical Theology Class today with Dr. Morales, I was reminded of this song as he talked about Edenic patterns in the Tabernacle etc. The thoughts of Eden that prompted this song ran through my mind again. A note about the music: I regret to say I have no audio recording of this song, nor presently any plans of making one. Basically, this tune is Celtic in nature, with a rising and falling cadence, a high pitch, ideally violin+flute like melody. In short think "Danny Boy" and "Minstrel Boy" and you've got it. However, I have decided to format it more like a poem so that all have to do is read it and (hopefully) fall in with the cadence. The Echoes of Eden There are echoes of Eden in the tapestry of time Of Yahweh’s Holy M...