The (Real) First Thanksgiving

Tomorrow, Americans will be eating a feast of ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn and of course turkey. Thanksgiving is a great holiday that I personally enjoy (with all that good eating who wouldn't?) and while I don't admire everything about the Separatists, I still love Thanksgiving. But did you know this was not the first thanksgiving meal in history? No I'm not going to talk about the Jamestown thanksgiving (December 4) or even the Spanish one (April 31). This thanksgiving meal is the greatest of them all and the oldest of them all- and one meant for all mankind to celebrate. So pull up a chair, sit back and let me tell you the story of this first thanksgiving. We have to travel back almost 2,000 years, to the Roman Empire, in a small province called Palestine..... It was night and in a little second floor room in Jerusalem, a Jewish rabbi and His disciples were celebrating a great holiday- the Passover. This Rabbi however wasn't an ordinary...