A Conversation With Mr. Atheist

(I claim no originality to this argument. I'm sure someone has already made it somewhere because it's so obvious) In my many travels and wanderings through this world, I chanced upon a man I had seen before but never spoken too. Now this man's name was Mr. Atheist, from the well known city of Skeptic in the country of Disbelief. As we walked down the road a bit, and he discovering I am a Christian, we began talking about all those things related to God and His ways. Now it chanced that Mr. Atheist made this remark: Mr. Atheist: Well, I shall never believe in any deity whatsoever, and I certainly don't want my children hearing such nonsense. Me: But tell me, I pray, why not? If it is nonsense, and if your children are as smart as you, don't you think they'll eventually realize it's nonsense? Mr. Atheist: Well I uh, yes....I think they could realize that on their own, but what with all those influences like yourself, and churches telling them i...