Lost Battlefields...

The battered flag of Christendom still fluttered faintly in the breeze as her bedraggled army commanders assembled to determine their next move. A shiver ran up and down the spines of the assembly as the sound of a strange bugle blew off in the distance. Not to far away the Army of Humanism continued to march. Soon it would be upon the Christian Army.

Seven officers- five men and two women- stood in a circle, awaiting the commanding general, Robert Henpecked, to start. 

The general at last began the meeting. "What now, my comrades? Do we stand and fight? Or do we run and find better ground."

General Hezekiah Cowpattie cleared his throat and replied, "We should wait and stand our ground but be ready to run again."

"Again?" Quizzed Gen. Frogleg. "You said that last time."

"I say we wait until the next election to give battle," offered Maj. Duckwaddle.

"And you said that last time too!" Grumbled old Gen. Frogleg through barred teeth.

"Did not!" Retorted the pompous Maj. Duckwaddle.

Gen. Edna Hogwash whispered to her fellow female commander, Col. Jennet Ponytail, "More male incompetence!" Col. Ponytail rolled her eyes in agreement.

Meanwhile Hezekiah Cowpattie had voiced another opinion: "I say we face reality and surrender. We've fought as well and as hard as we could. But they continue to beat us and drive us back. There is nothing more we can do. Let us surrender in honor."

 No one said anything. All eyes were focused on the ground as the assembled men and women though over Gen. Cowpattie's statement.


All eyes look up and turned to the so far silent Gen. Elijah Greatheart. His normally calm green eyes now flashed with fury and energy. Everyone eyed him with expectation, noting afresh his sweat soaked and bloodstained uniform, his tangled mess of white hair and beard, his oft used sword hanging from his side.

"NO! NEVER!" He repeated, his voice filled with passion and righteous indignation. "Why think ye we have come to this? Because of what you see now. We lose tomorrow because we lost yesterday. Ye know well that yesterday we meet the enemy again near the Realm of Matrimony. Again we lost! They have all but driven us out of this area."

"What do you mean we lost before?" Ventured Col. Ponytail.

"Many years ago, another army of Christendom assembled in this very realm to fight the Humanists in the field of Purpose. We could have won that battle but we had lost another that gave our enemy good ground to start with."

"What battle was that?"

"The Battle for Eve. We fought to defend the honor of Eve and her daughters from the evil designs of the Humanist to tempt her with the fruit of Eden again- or at least we should have. What happened? When some commanders sounded the alarm, they received no help. The Humanist won the Battle for Eve and thus won the Battle for Purpose. Could expect less than that they should win the Battle of Definition as well?"

"I remember the Battle for Eve," Remarked Gen. Frogleg. "I didn't think it was terribly important then."

"Your lack of action is why we stand here today, on the brink of losing the realm of Matrimony entirely!" Bellowed Greatheart, his veins throbbing as he point an accusing finger at the older men among them. "I am responsible as well! As long as we give in, the enemy will close in on every side. If don't stand now we never will."

"But how can we stand?" Asked Gen. Henpecked.

"First," Continued Gen. Greatheart as he turned to face the two women, "Let us heed the word's of our King. In our own small way, let us reverse the defeat at the Battle for Eve."

Gen. Henpecked nodded and said to Gen. Hogwash and Col. Ponytail, "You two are hereby relieved of your commands. I encourage you to resume your rightful places and reassert your honor as Eve's daughters rather than fake sons of Adam."

Gen. Hogwash started to say something  but Col. Ponytail stopped her. Without saying a word, they turned and left. Gen. Greatheart watched them leave and at last turned and said,

"We must circle around the enemy and return the City of Eve. We must reverse the loses. We must regain these lost battlefields..."


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