Green or Orange?

(This post is to be read in an Irish accent. Thank you for your cooperation.)

Top of the morning folks! Faith and begorrah it's that time o' year again is it now? What time you ask? Why Saint Paddy's a 'course! Wha else wood I be taukin aboot?

Now thars an big fuss an' all made each year by Protestant folk aboot wearing orange instead o' green, ta show that they be good protestants and not papists! 

But now, why should we hae to choose between them, when can wear 'em both? Green, like all colors, belongs tae the One who made it, not the Bishop o' Rome. Sae does orange. God saw fit tae clothe the hills and valleys with a carpet of beautiful green grass, and the evening sunset He tints with orange. 

So,on Saint Paddy's day, wear 'em both in 'anor o' the One Saint Paddy's sarved, the one all good Christian folk worship, the Triune God who made heaven and 'arth by the power o' His ward, who made green and orange, who sent His son tae die fer us, then brought him oot o' the grave. Wear 'em both because through His son, our Lord Jesus Christ, we have salvation and it's that salvation that Paddy preached to Ireland. So where 'em both. 

(In all seriousness folks, don't make a big deal about wearing orange and protestant pride. Let's redeem green as a symbol of God's goodness in creation and new creation, a symbol of the transforming power of the Gospel to change all nations, even that of Papist Ireland, that He will bring renewal reformation. Wear 'em both, and wear 'em with joy.)


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