"Hi-Yo Silver" and Bad Theology : Series Introduction
It's coming. It's coming in vigor and determination. It's coming to a Social Media network near you.
But today, we're getting real. So get ready for a rough ride the next few days if you want to read this series. Get your flashlight, your security blanket, your twinkies survival pack and your emergency copy of The Institutes and have your car keys and cell phones ready.
Individualism. It pervades the current Chrisitan scene in multiple areas. But what exactly is individualism? Funk and Wagnell's defines it as:
1- Personal independence in action, thought etc.
2- The state of being an individual
3- Self-interest, egotism
4- The social theory that emphasizes the importance of the individual.
The last definition is the best for our purpose of understanding this theologically. We might say that in theology, Individualism is "The Theology that emphasizes the importance of the individual over and against Church in toto or corporate."
In layman's terms, I'm talking about what some call "Lone Ranger Christianity." (hereafter LRC) You know, as in "Hi-o Silver! Away!" I love the show of course (and any who don't can consider themselves officially anathematized.... we're talking about classics here after all) but it should be the way we understand the Christian faith. If you're going to compare Christianity to a western try something like Wagon Train (still not totally right but closer than The Lone Ranger).
In layman's terms, I'm talking about what some call "Lone Ranger Christianity." (hereafter LRC) You know, as in "Hi-o Silver! Away!" I love the show of course (and any who don't can consider themselves officially anathematized.... we're talking about classics here after all) but it should be the way we understand the Christian faith. If you're going to compare Christianity to a western try something like Wagon Train (still not totally right but closer than The Lone Ranger).
Essentially, LRC is a blatant denial of Ecclesiology. It denies the need for and centrality of corporate worship, the sacraments and the Christian covenant community.
Here's a classic example of LCR leads us into weird and dangerous theology:
Many Christians talk about being married to Jesus. Truth be told there is not a single verse in all of Holy Writ that states or in any way suggest that the individual Christian is the Bride of Christ. It is the Church corporate or covenantal that Scripture calls His Bride (e.g. Rev. 21). Why is this an important distinction? Well for one thing, it means we can get rid of such blasphemous rubbish as the whole "Jesus is my boyfriend" or "I'm dating Jesus" thing. It means that, as young men, we can realize our charge until we are blessed with our wives is to serve His bride the Church. It helps us understand the relationship between Christ, the Church in toto and the believer personally. Christ is the Groom, the Church the bride and believers the offspring as it were.
Many Christians talk about being married to Jesus. Truth be told there is not a single verse in all of Holy Writ that states or in any way suggest that the individual Christian is the Bride of Christ. It is the Church corporate or covenantal that Scripture calls His Bride (e.g. Rev. 21). Why is this an important distinction? Well for one thing, it means we can get rid of such blasphemous rubbish as the whole "Jesus is my boyfriend" or "I'm dating Jesus" thing. It means that, as young men, we can realize our charge until we are blessed with our wives is to serve His bride the Church. It helps us understand the relationship between Christ, the Church in toto and the believer personally. Christ is the Groom, the Church the bride and believers the offspring as it were.
That's just one example and one I'll go into a little more in another part of this series. First though I want give an outline and then a few notes about why I'm so concerned about this issue and what I mean when say that LRC is both dangerous and unorthodox.
After this introductory post, the series will run as follows:
"Hi-Yo Silver and Bad Theology II: Individualism and the Catholic Creeds."
"Hi-Yo Silver and Bad Theology III: Individualism and the Reformed Confessions."
"Hi-Yo Silver and Bad Theology IV: Individualism and the Bible."
"Hi-Yo Silver and Bad Theology V: In Conclusion."
You'll notice I'm going backward. Rather than Scripture first, I'm starting with creeds and confessions. This is because in the accusation of heresy (a very serious charge, and not be thrown around lightly as I'll explain) we need the weight of the weight of the Church through the ages to support our findings and give our understanding some legitimacy.
To Be Continued....
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