An Illustration with Perry Mason

TV Lawyer Perry Mason

For the past hundred years or so, most American Protestant pastors have dressed more less like this guy when they stand in the pulpit every Sunday morning and when they minister during the week. A starched, iron shirt, a suit, a nice tie (nothing wacky). This is is the Evangelical Clerical Garb- unfortunately. The problem with this Pastoral uniform is its lack of anything Pastoral. It is the uniform of lawyers, real estate agents, salesmen and CEOs and other business related positions. If you did not know the man in the picture is TV lawyer Perry Mason (actually it's Raymond Burr, but anyway...), and I put a picture of similarly clad pastor beside him and said  "One of these is a pastor", you would be unable to guess accurately.

On the other hand, what if I placed Mr. Mason beside this picture?
Bing Crosby as "Father O'Malley"
 "Okay," I say. "One of these two guys is a lawyer and one is a Clergyman. Can you guess?"

"Oh that's easy!" You say, and point to collared man.

Even the staunchest Charismatic or Baptist, while disapproving of the clerical collar, could tell you that. The point is, a pastor needs a uniform that tells people, "I'm a pastor."  This is true both during the week and on Sundays (For a bonus, the Minister's weekly garb are called "clericals" while worship garments are "vestments").

The function of vestments is to remind the congregation that the man in pulpit is not at that moment just a friend, father, husband, brother or even son. He is God's representative, preaching the Word and administering the Sacraments. I love how my pastor always says during the opening communion liturgy, ' I am ministering in His name...". I had never heard that before. Of course, sadly, my pastor does not vest on Sunday but he does understand his role and calling. He is not a lecturer or CEO. He is not a business man. he is a minister of God.

(The picture below shows some Eastern Church Vestments.  That's pretty much what I intend to wear some day when I become a minister.)


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